Important Notice

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Privacy Policy

Dear valued customers and guests,

This privacy notice for personal data (“Personal Data Privacy Notice”) is issued to all our valued customers and guests of Celmonze Pte Ltd, Celmonze The Signature’s website and any other social media marketing platform used by our brand ( “us”, “we”, “our” or “ours”), pursuant to the statutory requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act 2020 (“PDPA”).


During your course of dealing with us, we will collect and process your personal data for purposes, including, to communicate with you, provide products and/or services to you, respond to your enquiries or complaints, provide you with information and/or updates on products, services and/or promotions offered by us, our Associates and selected third parties and other purposes required to operate and maintain our business as set out in our Personal Data Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as “Purposes”). It is utmost important for us to collect and to retain your personal data. This is because if you do not provide us with your personal data, or do not consent with this Personal Data Privacy Notice and our Personal Data Privacy Policy, we will not be able to effectively provide products and/or services to you, if at all.

We will not disclose any of your personal data to any third party without your consent except to our subsidiaries/associates, our vendors, our suppliers, our appointed agents and/or our service providers, within or outside Singapore, where necessary, that provide related products and/or services in connection with our business, any party who undertakes to keep your personal data confidential, any person as set out in our Personal Data Privacy Policy, or to whom we are compelled or required under the law to disclose to.


We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is stored securely. You have the right to request for access to, request for a copy of, request to update or correct your personal data held by us. You have the right at any time to request us to limit the processing and use of your personal data. (for example, requesting us to stop sending you any marketing and promotional materials or contacting you for marketing purposes). If you need to make any correction to your personal data, please just email us and while every effort is made to effect the changes, in the event the changes are not made, kindly call us.

Your written request should be addressed to:


Address: 81, Ubi Avenue 4, #03-31 UB. One, Singapore 408830.
Email Address:

By submitting your personal data to us, you consent to us processing your personal data in accordance with this Personal Data Privacy Notice. We will also take it that all personal data provided by you is accurate and complete, and that none of it is misleading or out of date. You will promptly update us in the event of any change to your personal data.

In some circumstances, you may have provided personal data relating to other individuals (such as your spouse, family members or other third party including minors). You represent and warrant that you are authorized to provide their personal data to us and you have obtained their consent to the processing (including disclosure and transfer) of their Personal Data in accordance with this Personal Data Privacy Notice.


We reserve the right to update and amend this Personal Data Privacy Notice and our Personal Data Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any amendments to this Personal Data Privacy Notice or our Personal Data Privacy Policy via announcements on our website or other appropriate means. If we amend this Personal Data Privacy Notice or our Personal Data Privacy Policy, the amendment will only apply to personal data collected after we have posted the revised Personal Data Privacy Notice or Personal Data Privacy Policy.

To withdraw consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data, and/or to terminate your membership, please ask for a withdrawal request form.

We reserve the right to update and amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. We will notify you of any changes via announcements on our website or other appropriate means.

This Privacy Notice is issued in English.


I acknowledge that I have read and understood this Privacy Notice and confirm that:

  1. I consent to you processing my personal data in accordance with this Privacy Notice;
  2. I also confirm that all personal data provided by me is accurate, complete, not misleading and up-to-date; and
  3. to the extent that I have provided (or will provide) personal data about my family ,spouse and /or other dependents, I have obtained their consent to provide their personal data to you and they consent to their personal data being process in accordance with this Privacy Notice, and with respect to any individuals not legally competent to give consent, I consent on their behalf (and I confirm that I have the authority to do so).

This website contains data compiled by us for general information purposes only and does not constitute professional advice on any particular issue. While we endeavors to ensure the information on this site is correct, no warranty expressed or implied is given as to the completeness, accuracy or timeliness of the given information. This information may be updated, changed or modified from time to time. Users should take action to independently confirm the information available before relying on it.

In no circumstances will we be liable for any damages whatsoever, including without limitation, special, indirect or consequential damages or damages for loss of use, loss of data, loss of revenue or profits arising out of or related to our website or the information contained in it whether by action in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever.

You may only print or download the contents of this website for your own personal, non-commercial use. You are otherwise not permitted to copy, broadcast, download, store (in any medium), transmit, adapt or change in any way the contents of this website without the prior written permission from us. Unauthorized modification of any information on this website may result in criminal prosecution.

This website contains hypertext links to websites created and maintained by other organizations. These links are provided to you as for convenience only. We are not responsible for the contents in any such website and shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of or reliance on any such information by users who link up to these websites.